Space-Water-Environment Nexus E-Centre for Research and Education



Space-Water-Environment Nexus E-Centre for Research and Education (SWEN): This e-center is based on the idea that space, water, and the environment are strongly and closely interrelated. Water mining on planets is the main aim of many space agencies. Also, it is believed that water came to Earth partially from comets and it was recently discovered that some kinds of asteroids also contain water.

Global warming, aerosols; for example, micro-plastics in oceans and the atmosphere, and the change in the water reservoirs on earth due to gravitational effects and other causes are closely monitored via space satellite and remote sensing missions, like PACE and GRACE missions. Also, there is an environmental impact assessment done for missions that are launched into space.

The mission of the SWEN e-center is to be dedicated to space, space technology, water, and environmental improvements that foster a sustainable future to improve the social, economic, and environmental well-being of all communities around Africa. We fulfill our mission through a commitment to reach out to people especially the new evolving generations to educate them about space technologies, water and environmental research, and capacity building.

Fostering strong partnerships with and reaching out to academic and research institutions, businesses and the civil community will enhance our goals which are in great part dedicated to research that will in turn lead to community service. In our center, we encompass people from all disciplines related to space, water, and environmental sciences, engineering, and technology. As we believe science and engineering are for all, the center welcomes anyone from any other background, and this is to encourage interdisciplinary work that will engage scientists and engineers from different backgrounds to tackle space, water, and the environment. The center will provide online seminars, and educational materials and seek funding to fund researchers.

To learn more about this project, reach out to Dr. Dr. Sherine El Baradei via: or